Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Moon

So, you are unhappy or supportive of the class blog??Add your comments here about the New Moon movie.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

welcome back to term 4!
Just a reminder - no homework this week (or the last week of term)
You still need to be reading a novel and watching, listening or reading the news though

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Narrative writing

We have been working on writing narratives, using metaphors and similies. We compared our "wonderfully tidy bedrooms" to a winters beach. Wikipaedia was a great help!Hope you enjoy

My room is
a tsunami of
clothes that
have been swept
all around
the room. Clothes packed under the bouncy bed. Clothes flying like seagulls. Hovering over your head. Dangling off the lamp shade.
A hugnormas sand dune of clothes piled up on the bed.
My hair swaying in the whistling whirling wind blowing in through the open window.
The wind making my hair dance on top of my head.
Crabs cReEp AND crAwl as ThEy HEAr tHe VAuUm sucking up every thing in its path. Crabs
h i d e
Under the beds.
Storm Kathy has passed and all the little creatures come back out to play

By Rachel

My Bedroom – Storm

Clothes are a blizzard around the room,
Books are scattered
in places like the sand of an upset beach,
Waves crash onto the shore as the water in my fish bowl spins as my fish swim round & round the bowl, Spiders crawling up the walls like crabs sitting upon rocks, My stereo blasts as the rain water hits hard upon the outside windows, Piles of clothes are tossed on the couch, I stay huddled in my bed waiting for the storm to past


My bedroom is Littered with clothes
S C A T T E R E D all over the floor. There are
W V S Of toys in a tossed pile in the corner of my room.
my draws is always trashed with stuff and most of the time there is a tsunami of clothes on my bed waiting to get into my draws. My bedside table is JAGGED
with books and other things nearly falling into the sea. My closet is a tidal wave with things spilling
out of it.

By KeeLEy

The bed room is a place that tornadoes frequently hit With clothes H
Over the drawers and the floor like s d washed up with the tide of the waves on the beach &

Books s t r e w n

all over the floor like the rubble after a sea battle in ancient Greece

the thundering noise of the vacuum cleaner like a thousand horses charging down a steep hill into a huge battle the dust bunnies huddle with their backs to the walls waiting for the storm to dew, some sucked up into the swirling inferno of socks and blankets when the human mother is making the bed, the dust bunnies sigh they have survived and they start morning for the lost bunnies and fear for the next clean. By Jonathan MacLean

Clothes and lollies papers lay abandent like drift wood
In the wet room as the intensifying wind blow
Through the windows
Making a sand storm
As I wait for the storm to pass through my bed
Fly’s like weightless seaweed to the
Other side of the beach.
Al of the crabs crawl back into the
Draws and wait for the next stormy day.
by Nathan

My bedrooms a blizzard
Of clothes, books and pillows.
Towels and clothes like
Driftwood scattered
On the beach
After a storm.
Pillows are waves tumbling
On to the surface of the beach.
Books and paper
Heap and gather together
On my bedside table
Like seaweed clumping together
In the furious waves.
The curtains thrash around
As they get pulled up
Like the salty spray
Of the storm.
My bedroom,
A stormy disaster

by Olivia

Monday, September 7, 2009

Our metaphors

We wrote some amazing similies and metaphors, looking at peoples hair! Hope you like them

Soundhouse 09

We had a fantastic day at SOundhouse and Parliament! Here are some pics of the students working on their pieces. Follow the link below to listen to the work!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our Read Aloud/Sketching trial

We are trialing a new process this term - listening to a novel and sketching at the same time - we call this multi tasking!
I would like to know how successful you think this is - do you listen as effectively as you usually do?do you loose track of the story?
Feedback please - remember - this process drives change....

Myspace Countdown Clock

Happy with this clock?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What a fantastic night!

BubbleShare: Share photos - Easy Photo Sharing

Well done Taupo - we all had a great time - and a special thank you to the social committee

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Swine flu song

We are loving this song - DONT BLAME IT ON THE PIGS!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Science Fair

Next Tuesday (23 June) we will be welcoming people in to have a look at our science investigations. All of room 12 students are expected to be available some time during the afternoon/evening to answer questions from the many parents that are coming

Taupo Social's theme this year is "Black and White with a Splash of Colour".You will need $5 entry fee, and bring a plate of finger food for the fantastic supper! It would be great to see some cooking skills being shown off!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Zealand Book Awards

Check out this years New Zealand Post Book Awards. We are reading one in class - "Pay Back" . Have you read any others?Ciara, Tom, Brianna and Jonathan are taking part in a Master Mind competition after reading all these books - go you guys!! Check the books out at

Friday, February 27, 2009

Kia ora koutou and here we are - back from camp and back into the swing of things.Please make sure you have handed in the permission slips so I can start putting things up on this blog!

Who would YOU vote for?